Postpartum Care for Mothers and Providers

An evidence-based approach to increasing resilience in mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga Nidra, breath practices, and strategies to navigate the journey of motherhood, build strength, resiliency, innate wisdom and trust.

Build mind, body, and spirit resilience to prevent burnout.

Postpartum Care for Mothers and Providers provides comprehensive, trauma-informed, evidence-based, mind-body medicine, drills & skills practice-based training to explore and experience the advantages of postpartum Yoga Nidra, breath practice, and writing reflection.


  • Ease insomnia and promote deep sleep

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Foster feelings of peace, calm, and clarity

  • Reduce the probability of postpartum mood disorders

  • Nourish emotions and connect to the inner self

  • Provide structured self-care and healing time

  • Build an essential toolset of coping strategies

  • Build profound inner strength and natural grace as you journey through motherhood

  • Build greater well-being and resilience

  • Feel stronger and more comfortable in your body

    There have been many studies on the benefits of Yoga Nidra.

What participates are saying

  • This course has revealed ways in which I can become more skilled in my relationship with myself and others and ways to support my connectedness to my children and partner. I envision this course changing my life for the better. I am forever grateful.

    - Postpartum Care for Mothers and Providers participant, Chicago

Postpartum Care for Mothers and Providers Program Summary

Program structure:

8-week 90-minute class via Zoom.

Appropriate for postpartum mothers, midwives and Doulas, and other care providers.

To book this program or talk with a program advisor, contact us.

This program includes:

  • Facilitator

  • Initial one-hour planning session

  • Educational materials

  • Lectures and experiential exercises

  • Home practices and tools