Build a Resilient Organization

Support your organization in staying healthy by creating a framework to manage workplace challenges. LifeBreath Institute’s evidence-based, comprehensive mental health resilience training is for organization leaders.

A comprehensive program to build a resilient organization for leadership, faculty, staff, and volunteers.

Learn the strategies, policies and protocols you need to create a more resilient and productive organization.

Build a Resilience Organization offers evidence-based recommendations for leadership on how to prevent burnout and build a resilient organization by creating a standard operating procedure (SOP) to integrate mental wellness into management systems using strategies, policies, programs, and practices.

The program is customized to include policies and messaging relevant to your organization.

Program goals:

  • Address mental health resilience and increase the safety of leadership, faculty, line managers, staff, and clients/guests.

  • Create a safe environment to address psychological health and safety within the workplace.

  • Create a work environment where employers and employees can work together to address departmental needs and increase mental wellness.

  • Provide ongoing training to build a resilient organization.

Research shows that accumulated stress leads to burnout.

Burnout means a person can no longer do the job they are trained to do and love. Staff affected by psychological stress injuries have the potential to create a heavy financial burden for an organization, including absenteeism and high staff turnover. There is also the potential for staff and management to be affected by moral injury due to an organization's failure to institute protective, safety-based strategies, programs, practices, and policies.

medical staff stressed and alone

Helping organizations effectively prevent and address psychological stress injury.

Build a Resilient Organization supports management in increasing the safety of leadership, faculty, frontline staff, and customers.

Benefits include:

  • Guidelines and resource benefits: To help establish SOPs for all situations, including strategies, policies and program development, workplace campaigns, education and training for leadership and staff, mental health provider resources, intervention & treatment strategies, and resources, resources, and data & evaluation.

  • Financial benefit: significant cost savings have been demonstrated through targeted workplace psychological health initiatives.

  • Legal & Regulatory benefit: taking reasonable steps to enhance psychological health and safety helps mitigate risk.

  • Ethical benefit: most organizations recognize the positive outcomes that come with promoting mental health resilience in the workplace and the greater good that results from this for all members of the organization.

  • Provide self-care tools: for all staff.

  • The LifeBreath Staff Trauma Sensitivity and Resilience Training did indeed help our staff! We all have much more confidence going into this crew's season with a firm plan better to manage concerns around at-risk youth and safety procedures. We updated our staff manual with SOPs to reflect the new procedures learned from your LifeBreath Staff Trauma Sensitivity and Resilience Training

    Sarah H, Staff Trauma Sensitivity and Resilience Training

Build a Resilient Organization Program Summary

Project Outline

  • 8-hour training tailored to your organization's needs.

  • We create custom trainings, workshops, or programs for any department, unit, staff, or organization looking to address an organization's standard operating procedure (SOP) with the goal of increasing the resilience, physical and mental health well-being of leadership, faculty, staff, and those they serve.

This program includes:

  • Facilitator

  • Initial one-hour planning session

  • Educational materials

  • Lectures and experiential exercises

  • Home practices and tools